5 years Younique Representative
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On March 29, 2019, I registered as a Younique Representative (now Brand Ambassador). Younique came into my life quite spontaneously and unplanned. Today I'm going to reminisce a little with you.
My welcome email back then with all the important information.
It all started with an online party at the end of February, to which my dear Facebook friend invited me. At first I wanted to cancel but my inner voice started the dialogue something like this: "Hey, you wanted change, at least listen to it. What do you have to lose?" At that time I was at a point where I needed change and, above all, a way to implement and pull off the Christmas market project (Port Christmas). So I said yes to her, with the objection: "I haven't done make-up for about 10 years, Andrea, but I'll join in. Maybe I can support you in some way."
Andrea provided us with information, tips and product presentations for a week. I found the vision of the foundation and the possibility of the activity interesting at the time, but I saved the information about it on the sidelines. I was familiar with direct sales or network marketing, I had already worked for two companies years before and didn't really want to do it again. That was now half an eternity ago and was implemented in a classic, well-known way. Home parties, trade fairs and so on. You probably know it. Online was new for me, at least in this area, but more on that later.
I actually bought 3 products after that week and was asked about the mascara in the shop a short time later (in 2019 I had a small shop with stones and incense). I had expected everything but this. So I wrote to Andrea and told her what happened to me in the store that day. “What do I have to do to register?” I asked her and she provided me with the information again.
Should I, shouldn't I? That was definitely the most important question that kept me busy for a few days. I mean, I could have simply ordered the mascara from Andrea for the customer who asked. But I was looking for a way to generate additional income for the Christmas market project. Unexpected things often happen, and sometimes the most beautiful journeys in life begin. So I fast for courage on March 29th. and actually registered. A few days later I received the Beauty Box (worth 220€ back then, today around 450€, still with an initial cost of 107€). I would never have imagined the slightly overwhelming feelings that were included for free. A mixture of joy, self-love, self-care, courage and of course doubts and fears all came together at the same time. A little crazy maybe, but now I know it wasn't just me.
The first 90 days as a Younique consultant are exciting and exciting because there is a lot to learn and the Fast Start program, which offers additional bonuses for certain successes. Today's quick starter bonus program has a quarter of the requirements when I started. Achieving this was my first milestone back then, even though I had no idea about make-up etc. It's not a must, but if you really want it, the current program is definitely easier to achieve.
A year later, in March 2020, we suddenly faced an extraordinary change worldwide. Everything was more or less upside down. We had to deal with working from home and online classes. I had to close the shop and when it became clear: “This is going to be a long story,” I was consciously grateful for the Younique opportunity for the first time. Online was suddenly more present than ever before. Since everything at Younique is designed for the online route, everything was ready quickly. It didn't have to be changed first, like with other companies.
Of course, there were also other challenges during this extraordinary time. Delivery bottlenecks, sold-out products, production stoppages, personal changes and events, constantly new regulations on social media platforms and much more.
Were there times when I wanted to quit? Yes. From 2021 to 2022, I considered quitting several times. Not because of Younique or the products, but because of private events that at times asked me deeper questions. Added to this was the astrology training, which gave me a different understanding of many things and connections on my path. In the end, it was probably exactly these processes that motivated me to stick with it. So in 2023 I started on a different path, less fast-moving social media platforms, more independent of algorithms and more focused on long-term content.
Looking back, I think personal development is probably the biggest bonus point you can get in network marketing. The team spirit, the exchange of like-minded people, the sincere encouragement and mutual help is priceless. If you are thinking about starting an online business in the network, then choose the person and products that are right for you. Numbers or titles don't always say what reality is. In a social media filter-get-rich-quick-often fake world, it is even more important to pay attention to other values. But I don't think I need to tell you that. It is definitely a future-oriented job opportunity, whether we want it or not - working online will most likely accompany us even more in the coming years. This is also a reason for me to keep at it, build up a small, fine team again, support an important mission and thus make my small contribution to enriching the world in a tiny bit positively.
Stay curious, open and make it pretty