Blogbeitrag 12 von 12 im Februar 2024, Christin Bollow

My 12 of 12 in February 2024

12 of 12 is a traditional blogger format that captures the 12th of the month in 12 images.
On the blog: Only Jugs Outside you will find more inspiring everyday stories.
I've had the idea since last fall, but it was only now that I thought about capturing the day in pictures, right on time on the 12th. Crazy.
So let's go.
My 12th of 12th in February 2024, Rose Monday is carnival day at school. The little one works as a dog sitter.

Today is Rose Monday and carnival at school. Our baby is starting out as a dog sitter :-) She has her hands full.

My 12 of 12 in February 2024. Ritual on Monday-oracle.

My Monday ritual - the weekly oracle. The overall theme for this week is the topic of love/self-love. How fitting, Valentine's Day is in two days.

Home office with pets, my 12th of 12 in February 2024.

Home office with animals. Our princess is always there. Not always so chill. Sometimes an assistant with whom everything takes much longer. Of course she is always sooooo innocent :-) when she presses any buttons.

My 12 of 12 in February 2024. Sowing seeds. This year I'm trying potted cucumbers.

Potted cucumbers, my first attempt this year. I'm really excited and will report back.

The first tulip petals can be seen. My 12 of 12 in February 2024.

I see the first tulip petals today.

The snowdrops are blooming. My 12 of 12 in February 2024.

The snowdrops have finally opened.

Fried potato love on Monday. My 12 of 12 in February 2024.

Fried potato love on Monday.

My 12 of 12 blog post in February 2024. Clean up your PC.

It was time to clean up something digitally again.

My 12 of 12 blog post in February 2024. The printer is out of ink.

Ah, there was something...I wanted to get printer cartridges. But now quickly.

My 12 of 12 blog post in February 2024. The printer can no longer work.

Members area - fill beauty rituals. My 12 of 12 in February 2024.

Okay, if I can't print, I'll fill the members area with texts.

Welcome to the member area write beauty rituals. My 12 of 12 blog post in February 2024.

This was a little insight into my normal day on February 12th. Without roses, confetti, Alaaf and Helau.

Thanks for stopping by.

Make it pretty


PS If you have a blog then let me know in the comment. I would also like to visit you.

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Liebe Gunhild, ja der Frühling zeigt sich überall. Wie herrlich. Gurken sät man ja eigentlich erst später, aber laut Empfehlung kann man mit den Topfgurken im Januar schon beginnen. Ist mein erster Versuch, ich hab sie erst vor kurzem entdeckt.
Danke, für Dein vorbeischauen und die lieben Worte. Wir lesen uns wieder, spätestens im März.
Liebe Grüße


Was für ein schöner Rosenmontg, liebe Chtristin! Die Schneeglöckchen gibt es einfach gerade überall! ❤️ Bei den Gurkensamen ruft mein Gärtnerinnenherz: Warte, warte! 😅 Pass mal auf, wie schön das bald sein wird, wenn Du auf mehrere 12. zurückschauen kannst, das macht wirklich Freude!
Ich wünsche Dir eine wundervolle Woche!
Viele grüne Grüße von Gunhild

Gunhild Rudolph

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