Blogbeitrag, Wann und wie eine Online Beratung dir helfen kann, Christin Bollow

When and how advice on Younique products can help you

We've all been there: all the different products in the store, endlessly scrolling through skincare and makeup products online, unsure which product suits our skin best. In this jungle of options, advice can make the crucial difference.

If I act on my own, which sometimes happens to me in a store when I need a recommendation or useful advice, I end up being just as smart as I was before. This is rarely the fault of the staff. To be honest, with so many different products, it is impossible to remember all the different properties, let alone test them. There are few businesses where there are really enough competent advisors per department. These are shops that you like to return to again and again because you feel seen and understood.

Today I want to take you into the world of skin care and makeup advice and why this step can be useful to you.

  • Why a consultation? Skincare and makeup aren’t really a one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone's skin is different, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Individual advice helps you understand your skin’s specific needs and find tailor-made solutions.
  • Makeup as self-expression: Makeup is more than just paint on your face. It is a creative expression of personality. A makeup consultation not only helps you find the right products for your skin type, but the colors can also work wonders. A personal consultation will help you find the colors that not only suit your complexion and skin undertone, but also your age. Mature skin in particular has completely different demands on the textures of the products.
  • When is the right time? The question of the right time for advice is easy to answer: Any time is the right time! Whether you're just starting out with skincare and makeup or looking to adapt an existing routine, a consultation can guide you on your journey and be a shortcut.
  • Advice in the Internet Age: In a world where access to information is so easy, you can also consider online consultations. Virtual skin care and makeup consultants are available to listen to you first, answer your questions and give you personalized recommendations and tips on how to use the products. Whether you ultimately accept it is your decision.
  • Time for self-care: In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget to take time for ourselves. An individual consultation is not only an opportunity to talk about products, but also a time for self-care. Together we create a space that is about you and your needs.

The relationship with the customer: The special thing about individual advice is the personal relationship. As a Younique Brand Ambassador, I am here to listen to you, understand you and accompany you on this journey. Your satisfaction and well-being comes first. So you will only receive non-binding recommendations from me that suit your needs. Ultimately, the key to good, individual advice is listening.

I look forward to hearing from you and accompanying you on this journey. Get in touch via chat or contact form if you would like an online consultation. From the comfort of your own home.

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