Monatsrückblick Januar 2024- Blütezeit

Monthly review January 2024-flowering time

January is usually a time of reorientation and full of enthusiasm for action. The holidays are over, and the need to have done something productive at the end of the day is great. “The magic of every beginning…” as the saying goes.

So January began with the move of blog posts. Some of them went into the virtual trash or were published here in a slightly revised form. At the end of 2023 I made the decision to switch the blog from WordPress back to Shopify. I wrote about it in the annual review .

My motto for 2024 should continue to be femininity, but somehow also include growth. In addition, the thought: How do I spend my time - is very present with me. After some thought about how I could sum things up, the word heyday presented itself. Yup, that's it. Everything is there and is easy to remember. So 2024 is the motto heyday.

News from my partner company

The monthly offer is always announced on the 1st of the month and in January our Beauty Box always gets an update about the new start of the year. It will be the same in 2024.

Another piece of news that was announced at the end of December is the topic of growth. From April 1, 2024, Poland and Denmark will be added as new markets (countries). We are then represented in 19 countries. I wrote about this in this blog article. You can find out which markets we are represented in in this article .

The Women Circle

In the annual review I mentioned the Women Circle for 2024. The idea has been germinating since last fall. With an app integration, the simple member area could be implemented quickly without referring to another page or group. This was quicker and easier than I thought.

The idea of ​​the PDF file

In mid-January I announced in my Facebook group "Good Energy with the Power of Nature - Spiritual Incense for Beginners" that I would not be actively leading the group this year. The idea of ​​putting everything into a downloadable PDF is intended to serve as inspiration. As I was writing it, I realized that it didn't get to the heart of the matter. It still needs some fine-tuning and more focus on the topic. It probably would have gotten an F in the school essay, lol. Grossly missed the point. Everyone who is interested will find out for themselves that everything is more connected. So the revision will take place in February after I have had a few days break.

My new offer

When I started with the "workbook" for smoking, I had the idea of ​​offering my card decks in a downloadable PDF. The spirit animals have been revised and moved into the shop as a product. The deck contains 40 cards from my original 58. Which may lead to the creation of a second one with additional power animals. The texts remain, the images are AI generated. AI doesn't replace everything, but when it comes to images, especially for the power animals, it was a beautiful and inspiring process.

The old version of my spirit animal cards on the left, new version on the right.

The smoking card deck will also be available to print out yourself in February. Step-by-step instructions on how to order the cards as playing cards from an online printing service are included. It is intended for anyone who may need technical assistance uploading the files.

Small World of Smoking, New Inspiration Cards, PDF, Christin Bollow

The old version "Little World of Incense" on the left, the new version on the right.

At first this thought was a bit unusual for me, but my gut feeling says: "Do it."

What else was going on?

  • Kitchen renovation in the first week of January
  • the first seeds were sown. Chili, peppers, eggplant, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, physalis and lychee are now on the windowsill
  • 27.1. Facebook + YouTube app deactivated on the cell phone, aiming for less social media one step further
  • own setup process

What's coming up in February

  • Sow seeds. In addition to potted cucumbers (my first attempt) and Mexican mini cucumbers (was successful last year), also professional ones.
  • continue working on the PDFs

I wish you a relaxed end to the month and a loving February.

Make it pretty


Online advice for skin and make-up products from Younique, as well as astrological advice
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Liebe Gunhild, danke für Deinen lieben Kommentar und Tipp mit der 3×3 Blogparade. Die werde ich mir anschauen.
Liebe Grüße


Bei Dir scheint auch schon so viel los gewesen zu ein im Januar! Ich mache da auch bei einer sehr schönen Blogparade mit: 3×3 – dankbar sein für 3 Dinge, 3 Ergebnisse, 3 Erlebnisse. Das ist ein sehr schönes Ritual.

Gunhild Rudolph

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